* you consider dropping out every hour, but after that first semester, you realized you were already in too much debt to be anything other than a lawyer.
* you can't remember if you decided to go to law school because you wanted to help people and make a difference in the world or because you hate yourself.
* substance abuse becomes you.
* the drama in your life rivals that of high school
* you make adverse possession jokes.
*you watch legally blonde, and worry that perhaps you looked that silly in your first year too.
*your friends watch legally blonde and msg you, confirming your fears that you are indeed, elle woods in human form…
* you can name, without hesitation, at least three people who make you want to throw things when you see them raise their hands in class.
*you have nicknames for the class members you dislike most, because of course, you’ve never actually spoken to them.
*you have an unspoken rivalry with a complete stranger, who may, or may not be aware of this.
*you have nicknames for your lecturer’s so that you can complain about them in your presence.
* you are truly and deeply unnerved by the thought of some of your classmates becoming attorneys.
*you are seriously concerned that said classmates remain in your classes…
* you think vodka shots are essential to ordered liberty. Or any shots for that matter…
* you wonder if that one professor who always seems angry and irritable and treats students' minds as his personal playground is actually a sociopath or just didn't get enough hugs as a child.
*you are seriously concerned about where your sense of humour is heading when you laugh at ‘Bentley bought a Bentley, Holden bought a Holden’ in Contract A…
* you know and understand the complicated epistemological and metaphysical differences between a conspirator and an accomplice, but still cant quite work out what the lecturer is asking you to do in your tutorial problem…
* you know and understand the complicated epistemological and metaphysical differences between coffee and red bull.
*you argue about whether donoghue and stevens is relevant in both Torts Negligence AND Contract
*you’ve got an enormous library fine, because you’re too lazy/in hecs debt to buy the textbooks.
* you think whoever came up with the Socratic method should have his face lit on fire and then beaten out with a rake.
* you can't think of any legitimate reason why a law student would need access to public records, but you can think of a whole lot of illegitimate ones.
*you passionately hate the mature age students
* after the first semester you realized that "briefing a case" need only consist of looking it up on Lexis or Westlaw. After second semester, you abandon Lexis and Westlaw in favour of Wikipedia.
*wikipedia is your favourite source, and you cant understand why your lecturer’s don’t agree
* you have a favourite supreme ct justice, or house of lord’s judge. (Raja Azlan Shah, CJ)
*you have joined that judge’s appreciation society on myspace/facebook. [mine hasn't got one :(]
*you think the med students have it easy having only one subject per semester.
*you fail an assignment worth 6/100 and cry because you’re positive your whole career is about to go down the toilet…
* when someone is expressing their frustration or anger about something that is in any way related to the law, you can't be sympathetic because you're too busy figuring out in your head whether they have a cause of action
*you’re purposely friends with the smartest people in your classes, in case they happen to ask you to ‘mind’ their notes one day…
*you read the textbook, because it’s suddenly interesting…
*you love Denning LJ’s findings in Miller v Jackson – the noble sport of cricket
*you’ve read Peters (WA) Ltd v Petersville Ltd and Peters Food Australia Pty Ltd P64/2000 [14 February 2001] –
Mr Martin: ... The background is that prior to 1980 there were, amongst other brands, two substantive brands of ice-cream being marketed in the country, one under the name Peters, the other under the name Pauls.
Kirby J: Was there a quality differential? Was Pauls not a more high class sort of ice-cream than Peters?
Mr Martin: Different views were held by different consumers on that subject, I think, your Honour, and there is no evidence bearing directly on that.
Kirby J: You do not have any samples for us?
Mr Martin: No, I'm affraid not, you Honour.
* you hear about the death of an elderly friend or relative and wonder if they died intestate.
*you have to ask questions in class twice, because your lecturer’s first question (which took about half an hour to answer) completely avoided the original question
* you know the legal definition for defamation, and if you didn’t have such a big HECS debt, you’d put it into place...
* you have considered changing career paths to hot dog vendor, stripper, stilt walker, grass-skirt maker, or career alcoholic.
*you have seriously considered marrying a wealthy graduate, and never using your degree.
You have seriously considered being a lecturer, because your sure you can read directly from the textbook better than your lecturers can
*you seriously wish you were an arts student
* you've written an outline that has almost as many pages as the casebook.
* you've used any of the following latin phrases in casual conversation: sine qua non, res ipsa loquitar, inter alia, caveat emptor, contra proferentum, or habeas corpus.
*you’ve corrected the lecturer when they mispronounce/mistranslate latin, French, greek phrases.
* you're pretty sure the reasonable person is a friendless tool who still lives with his mother.