Raya as usually is filled with cuzins, aunts, uncles and crazy nephews and nieces not to mention that old grumpy grand uncle I have. But this year I would say that even though final exams were looming I felt that for once I might be able to enjoy it. The food as usual is divine (“divine” – such a gay word) and the company? So so.. Such a depressing tone when you aite really cooking for someone you love. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE my family. It’s just the extended family that gets me. They can be so pretentious. So after making the obligative Salam’s and asking of forgiveness I excused myself to join those I enjoy namely my cuzins and the cat.
My highlight of the day was to visit my new lover and bring food over. We aite together, watched some TV and made out in the sofa. As this was new to me an hour or two of it was like eternity in heaven. Fate stepped in with my brother calling for me to get back. In his words “Raya is time to spend with your family not with your boyfriend”. I had to concede his point.
Anyways that is Raya, spending time with family and taking a few moments to say your love to others and ask forgiveness for past and future wrongs. Here I leave with a message of forgiveness to those I’ve done wrong intentionally or unintentionally from my heart and soul. My heart and love to all. Bonne Aidilfitri! A mes amir. Pardonne-moi si j’ai fait puelque chose blessant. “Désolé zahir et batin”