I wish I could dance like this.. Boy's here I come.. Muahahaha..
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Saturday, 8 November 2008
Beyoncé - If I Were A Boy
I love this video.. So emo and it's something I'm currently feeling.. Man aint Beyonce is HOT!!
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Selamat Hari Raya!!
Raya as usually is filled with cuzins, aunts, uncles and crazy nephews and nieces not to mention that old grumpy grand uncle I have. But this year I would say that even though final exams were looming I felt that for once I might be able to enjoy it. The food as usual is divine (“divine” – such a gay word) and the company? So so.. Such a depressing tone when you aite really cooking for someone you love. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE my family. It’s just the extended family that gets me. They can be so pretentious. So after making the obligative Salam’s and asking of forgiveness I excused myself to join those I enjoy namely my cuzins and the cat.
My highlight of the day was to visit my new lover and bring food over. We aite together, watched some TV and made out in the sofa. As this was new to me an hour or two of it was like eternity in heaven. Fate stepped in with my brother calling for me to get back. In his words “Raya is time to spend with your family not with your boyfriend”. I had to concede his point.
Anyways that is Raya, spending time with family and taking a few moments to say your love to others and ask forgiveness for past and future wrongs. Here I leave with a message of forgiveness to those I’ve done wrong intentionally or unintentionally from my heart and soul. My heart and love to all. Bonne Aidilfitri! A mes amir. Pardonne-moi si j’ai fait puelque chose blessant. “Désolé zahir et batin”
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Boys Nite Out..
It’s been a crazy few weeks. Fortunately I met this wonderful guy a few days earlier and we went out dancing. The after glow of that nite is enough to get this day going I would think. We met online as usual but don't get me wrong its always a gamble to meet people this way but sometimes it pays off. This would be a hit of one out of three.
You would think that going out on dates would be a routine after all that I’ve been through. Still my tummy rumbles and I have this ache in my heart filled with anticipation. Looking at a photo of a person does not really do them justice I say. Anyways as my usually habit I would call me friend to give me a boost of confidence, also helps to kill the time. Sitting drinking my chocolate latte he walks, an angle in tank top. We smile and make small talk.
He shows me to this new club ‘Oblique’. It was my first time, yet the moment I walked in I knew it was my kind of club. Great music and hot bodies moving about, just what the doc ordered. Taking my hand he whispers tonite you’re my lover. A shiver runs up my spine. (I know it sounds corny but its been months since I last went on a date like this, was really hoping for some hot action on the dance floor) Anyways he made the rounds and introducing countless names to guys here and there, all whom I practically forgot, as I had eyes only for him.
We dance for the whole nite and for once I decided to forgo my inhibition. He invited me to dance on the stage with him, scared shitless of making a fool of myself I preserved and joined him. Thankfully the music was good and had a rhythm I could shake my ass to. The sweat kept pouring but who cares rite?
All in all, it was a great evening. He was charming, easy going, cute, and all together lovable. Definitely felt that it had potential. We kissed a lot and the fun thing was the girls and boys kept staring. I guess I’m an exhibitionist when it comes to my boyz.
Monday, 15 September 2008
I remembered that first instance we met. My heart was fluttering, it seemed that all was to good to be true yet dinner was even better. We talked and talked about all things under the sun. You were like non other than those that I have met before. The first kiss was heaven. As I sit here watching ‘Shelter’ I’m reminded of our passion. The kiss, the look you gave, the urgency I felt all coming in a rush. I was on a high with your body pressed to mine. For all that, waking up next to you was the greatest gift you gave me. Taking the KTM back home, I smile like an idiot thinking you are the one. Stepping home I walk to the kitchen saying: Ma, I’ve met someone..
P/s. I still love you…
Sunday, 20 July 2008
You know you're in law school if....
* you consider dropping out every hour, but after that first semester, you realized you were already in too much debt to be anything other than a lawyer.
* you can't remember if you decided to go to law school because you wanted to help people and make a difference in the world or because you hate yourself.
* substance abuse becomes you.
* the drama in your life rivals that of high school
* you make adverse possession jokes.
*you watch legally blonde, and worry that perhaps you looked that silly in your first year too.
*your friends watch legally blonde and msg you, confirming your fears that you are indeed, elle woods in human form…
* you can name, without hesitation, at least three people who make you want to throw things when you see them raise their hands in class.
*you have nicknames for the class members you dislike most, because of course, you’ve never actually spoken to them.
*you have an unspoken rivalry with a complete stranger, who may, or may not be aware of this.
*you have nicknames for your lecturer’s so that you can complain about them in your presence.
* you are truly and deeply unnerved by the thought of some of your classmates becoming attorneys.
*you are seriously concerned that said classmates remain in your classes…
* you think vodka shots are essential to ordered liberty. Or any shots for that matter…
* you wonder if that one professor who always seems angry and irritable and treats students' minds as his personal playground is actually a sociopath or just didn't get enough hugs as a child.
*you are seriously concerned about where your sense of humour is heading when you laugh at ‘Bentley bought a Bentley, Holden bought a Holden’ in Contract A…
* you know and understand the complicated epistemological and metaphysical differences between a conspirator and an accomplice, but still cant quite work out what the lecturer is asking you to do in your tutorial problem…
* you know and understand the complicated epistemological and metaphysical differences between coffee and red bull.
*you argue about whether donoghue and stevens is relevant in both Torts Negligence AND Contract
*you’ve got an enormous library fine, because you’re too lazy/in hecs debt to buy the textbooks.
* you think whoever came up with the Socratic method should have his face lit on fire and then beaten out with a rake.
* you can't think of any legitimate reason why a law student would need access to public records, but you can think of a whole lot of illegitimate ones.
*you passionately hate the mature age students
* after the first semester you realized that "briefing a case" need only consist of looking it up on Lexis or Westlaw. After second semester, you abandon Lexis and Westlaw in favour of Wikipedia.
*wikipedia is your favourite source, and you cant understand why your lecturer’s don’t agree
* you have a favourite supreme ct justice, or house of lord’s judge. (Raja Azlan Shah, CJ)
*you have joined that judge’s appreciation society on myspace/facebook. [mine hasn't got one :(]
*you think the med students have it easy having only one subject per semester.
*you fail an assignment worth 6/100 and cry because you’re positive your whole career is about to go down the toilet…
* when someone is expressing their frustration or anger about something that is in any way related to the law, you can't be sympathetic because you're too busy figuring out in your head whether they have a cause of action
*you’re purposely friends with the smartest people in your classes, in case they happen to ask you to ‘mind’ their notes one day…
*you read the textbook, because it’s suddenly interesting…
*you love Denning LJ’s findings in Miller v Jackson – the noble sport of cricket
*you’ve read Peters (WA) Ltd v Petersville Ltd and Peters Food Australia Pty Ltd P64/2000 [14 February 2001] –
Mr Martin: ... The background is that prior to 1980 there were, amongst other brands, two substantive brands of ice-cream being marketed in the country, one under the name Peters, the other under the name Pauls.
Kirby J: Was there a quality differential? Was Pauls not a more high class sort of ice-cream than Peters?
Mr Martin: Different views were held by different consumers on that subject, I think, your Honour, and there is no evidence bearing directly on that.
Kirby J: You do not have any samples for us?
Mr Martin: No, I'm affraid not, you Honour.
* you hear about the death of an elderly friend or relative and wonder if they died intestate.
*you have to ask questions in class twice, because your lecturer’s first question (which took about half an hour to answer) completely avoided the original question
* you know the legal definition for defamation, and if you didn’t have such a big HECS debt, you’d put it into place...
* you have considered changing career paths to hot dog vendor, stripper, stilt walker, grass-skirt maker, or career alcoholic.
*you have seriously considered marrying a wealthy graduate, and never using your degree.
You have seriously considered being a lecturer, because your sure you can read directly from the textbook better than your lecturers can
*you seriously wish you were an arts student
* you've written an outline that has almost as many pages as the casebook.
* you've used any of the following latin phrases in casual conversation: sine qua non, res ipsa loquitar, inter alia, caveat emptor, contra proferentum, or habeas corpus.
*you’ve corrected the lecturer when they mispronounce/mistranslate latin, French, greek phrases.
* you're pretty sure the reasonable person is a friendless tool who still lives with his mother.
Thursday, 3 July 2008
Wednesday, 2 July 2008
More Than Meets the Eye
No matter how many times I see this add.. It is still great to watch.. I'm sure there are plenty of people I meet that comes from all walks of life.. Funny how this add reflects that..
Like this weird but cool ad!
It's nice to see that gayness, bisexuality or being transgendered is treated as a non-issue in this commercial.
Funny Irish Guy Coming Out
Saw this clip online.. I couldn't stop laughing.. Made my day..
Find more videos like this on MalaysiaGAY
Tuesday, 1 July 2008
Gay Man Law
2. Always have an umbrella handy to make sure your hair is always at its finest.
3. Always demand an invitation to both the bachelor and the bacholorette parties of heterosexual friends.
4. Try not to get caught cruising by the cops, it just makes you look desperate.
5. When spreading rumors it's ok to exaggerate the truth if it makes the rumor more interesting.
6. Always try to turn your best friend’s straight brother gay, always. (personal motto)
7. It's ok to be late, the heterosexuals just expect it from us. Don't make another homosexual wait too long though because it's a miracle that they are even ready on time. (so true!)
8. Bitching about the free liquor is a fellow homo's fridge is expected, unless it's Grey Goose.
9. Always kiss a fellow homo on their birthday, and offer to provide sexual favors.
10. Agreeing to distract the ugly friend of a hot boy your best gay friend is trying to hook up with is your legal duty. Should you get carried away with your good deed and end up having sex with the beast, your friend is forbidden to speak of it.
11. Before dating a fellow homo's ex, you are required to ask his permission. If they say no you are allowed to date them anyway.
12. Straight men who say they're ok with gay people but don't try to hook up with need to be watched closely because they can't be trusted.
13. If a homo's zipper is down reach in and give his willy a shake.
14. When a homo asks you to help him move laugh in their face.
15. Homosexuals don't fart in public, end of story.
16. Only drink fruity chick drinks. Drinking beer is for hetero men and we're above that.
17. When fighting a fellow homo degrade them verbally till you can't anymore and then commence hitting like a girl.
18. Always save a fellow homo when an unattractive comes up to him at a club. Put your arm around him and act as their boyfriend.
19. If your friend is being trash talked behind their back it is your duty to say what the person doing the trash talking has left out. Example: "And I heard that they have herpes!"
20. Thou shall worship Karen Walker. - that bitch is the goddess -
21. Never hesitate to reach for the last anything. We're gay and we deserve it.
22. When in the bathroom it's OK to sneak a peak at your neighbor’s goodies, just don't get caught!
23. If Britney, Cher, Christina, or Madonna come on in the car you are expected to sing along and know every word.
24. Before allowing a drunken friend to cheat on his boyfriend, you must attempt to get a piece of the action or swear you'll tell his boyfriend.
25. The morning after you and a fellow homo who was formerly "just a friend" have drunken doggie sex, the fact that you're feeling weird and guilty is no reason not to do it again before the discussion about what a big mistake it was.
Monday, 30 June 2008
Re: Judicial Review
My first blog was about Judicial Review.. Sadly I was asked to write an article for MULS newsletter.. This was what i came up with.. Reviews and critics are welcome!! Be kind :p
The judiciary is one of the three organs of the government that upholds law and it the process of upholding the law; it modifies and applies legal principles that develop the legal system of Malaysia. The Judicial system of Malaysia clearly adopts most of its laws and methods from the British system. Many common law concepts and doctrines are applied in Malaysia as well. The British intervention in the Malay States had given the perfect opportunity for the Malay states to instil the common law judicial authorities. The judiciary in the Malaysian constitutional system is explicitly provided for under Part IX of the Federal constitution.
To enable the judiciary to perform its functions without prejudice, the Judiciary must be independent. This means the independence of the individual Judges must be upheld in the exercise of their judicial functions and consider the concept of independence of the Judiciary as an institution in its own right. The judiciary in Malaysia plays an important role in the balance of powers within the system. The judiciary alone has the knowledge and legal jurisdiction to settle disputes and also decide cases brought to them in courts of justice. Its jurisdiction revolves around the whole federation, including the relationships of the relationships of the federation, the states, the individuals and also other nations.
The Judiciary therefore plays the fundamental role of peacemaker, and upholds the natural rules of law in settling disputes within the Federal and state level and thus; the judiciary balances itself upon the concepts of rule of law and federalism. The judiciary also ensures and safeguards the maintenance of the citizen’s fundamental liberties and rights, and ascertain that these rights and liberties are not infringed without justification. In the case of Public Prosecutor v Datuk Harun Bin Haji Idris [1976] 2 MLJ 116, Abdoolcader J stated that the courts stand as arbiter for the balancing between individuals and between the state and the individual, and will not have the slightest hesitation to condemn or strike down any statutory for any bureaucratic discrimination”
One of the crucial powers of the judiciary was in its ability to review the actions of the administration units of the government. Judicial Review is a common law principle that was designed to protect the citizens from arbitrary and unfair actions and decisions by powerful bodies that exercise functions of public law significance, thus ensuring the application of rule of law. Basically, its outcome is to determine whether in making a decision or taking an action, a ‘public body’ has acted ‘within its power’ and in accordance to common law standards of fairness.
Such power was once granted under the Article 121(1) of the Federal Constitution before it was amended in 1988 as a result of the 1987 Supreme Court decision in a criminal breach of trust case of Public Prosecutor v Datuk Yap Peng, whereby the court held that the decision of the Attorney-General to transfer this case to another court had encroached on the judicial power of the courts.
Article 121(1) originally read:
“Subject to Clause (2), the judicial power of the Federation shall be vested in two High Courts of coordinate jurisdiction and status namely...”, this was replaced with “There shall be two High Courts of co-ordinate jurisdiction and status … and such inferior courts as may be provided by federal law and the High Courts and inferior courts shall have such jurisdiction and powers as may be conferred by or under federal law”. '
The removal of “... the judicial power of the Federation shall be vested”. in the original wording seems to suggest the amendment removed exclusive right of judicial power that was vested in the higher or lower courts. This was further seen in the remarks of Abdul Hamid Mohamad, PCA (acting chief justice), in Public Prosecutor v. Kok Wah Kuan, who said: “After the amendment, there is no longer a specific provision declaring that the judicial power of the Federation shall be vested in the two High Courts”. Thus, it can be said that the exclusive judicial power was removed in the ordinary courts. The courts are generally filled with judges whom are from the bar or are from the executive.
It is hoped that the judiciary must be seen as an independent body. The 1987 events were described as “the comedy of errors”. Tun Salleh Abas, the former Lord President whom was removed form his office due to this crisis, remarked that “when an executive act is challenged, the decisions of the court made in favor of individuals is seen as an unjustified interference with the executives’ legitimate exercise of power”
As such, it is clear that connections in the government between the executive and the judiciary may render the efficiency of the administrative ineffective. So while we wait upon Parliaments decision to amend Article 121(1) I would ponder on the question on whether such an amendment will give back the courts it inherent power of judicial review. Even with the amendment, will the courts take action or will it be more cautious to the political climate.
The judiciary is an entity of great value and importance to any nation, and therefore it would be preposterous to subject that noble institution to be puppeteered by the executive in the face of constitutionalism. The judiciary must be entirely independent of the executive and the legislature to exercise its powers rightfully.
Raja Azlan Shah in the case of Loh Kooi Choon v Government of Malaysia [1977] 2 MLJ 187, acknowledged the existence of the concept of rule of law and also the doctrine of separation of powers and federalism in Malaysia where in his judgment he said that:
“The Constitution not a mere collection of platitudes. It is the supreme law of the land embodying three basic concepts. One of them is that the individual has certain fundamental rights upon which not even the power of the State may encroach. The second is the distribution of sovereign power between the States and the Federation, that the 13 States shall exercise sovereign power in local matters and the nation in matters affecting the country at large. The third is that no single man or body shall exercise sovereign power, but that it shall be distributed among the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government, compendiously expressed in modern terms that we are a government of laws not of men.”
Coming Out!!
How would your reaction be, if you saw a young couple holding hands walking down a street? A couple whom are young, carefree, and they are both males. Shocking is it not? Why is that so? Society has always shunned people whom are different from them. It is an obvious feeling, the one that is filled of hatred and prejudice. This sort of animosity causes most of those whom are “out of the ordinary” to be cooped up in their own world. One full of lost hopes and unfulfilled desires. This is a tale, one that shall in my opinion, give us a deeper insight on these people, and come in terms with the fact that the time has come for all homosexuals to come out. Coming out means identifying as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. It is when one decides to be honest about their sexual orientation or gender and identity.
Coming out contributes to progressive and productive movements of the gay community. According to Herek (2002), since the Stonewall incident, the gay rights movement has increased due to the help of campaigns for racial, ethnic, and gender equality that was developed during the 1960's. Since then, many advocate group sprung throughout the nation. He further added that in the year 1990, the hate Crimes Statistics Act became federal law, bringing with it a major victory, as it was the first federal legislation that addressed the issue regarding homosexual needs. It can be seen throughout history that since the Stonewall incident, many gay rights movements gained momentum. With it, the gay community was first seen. Pride was held a few years later with slogans such as “We’re here, and we’re queer” or “I’m not Gay but my boyfriend is”. A sudden outburst of gays walking down the street portrayed the change that has evolved in a short span of time. This small move caused a ripple that has since been growing ever larger. Through it many political, economical and social changes were made.
A study done by Evelyn Hooker, which established that homosexuality is not a disease. In the year 1973, the American Psychiatric Association did not classify “ego-syntonic homosexuality” as a mental disease, as it was cited in the New Encyclopedia Britannica (2002). The idea that homosexuality is curable is a baseless assumption. Homosexuality is not a disease or a plague. It is just a feeling, and an emotion. In learning to accept homosexuality as just a part of humanity, it brings us one step closer to understanding the fact that all humans are the same. The only minor differences that arise are the partners we choose. The gender should not be a problem.
We humans tend to discriminate those we know nothing about or those who we misunderstood. It is a flaw that has persisted through time. Discrimination towards people who have AIDS, ethnic groups, punks, those with a criminal records, disabled, and just about anybody who is perceived to be different from ‘us’. It is not surprising that a person’s sexual orientation and gender or identity that are different face discrimination. Untold articles write about gay bashing, lost of jobs due to being gay, career vulnerability, criminal liability and death threats among the forms of abuse taken. Even those who are closest to you may not accept you. As put forward by Villarosa and Villarosa (1991), it was connoted that she could not accept the fact that her daughter is a lesbian, she was angry and disappointed – being not able to handle the fact to the extend that even the topic was not open for discussion. Truly one cannot expect all welcomes to be roses. But with the right guidance and understanding one can help further the case that it is not about who or how we sleep with but the overall human bond that is love. Even a mother could not stop loving her child even if that child is gay.
In an article posted (BBC News, 2001) Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed said that if gay British officials come to Malaysia with their boyfriends, they would be sent packing. “British people accept homosexual ministers, but if they ever come here, bringing their boyfriend along, we'll throw them out.” It is clearly shown here that in most government based upon Abrahamic religion view homosexuality as a sin. The fact that gay and lesbians are against the fundamental rules of religion, it gives an opening to direct confrontations. Mostly, it leads to discriminatory acts, violence and sometimes-even death. It is purely human characteristics to shun and abhor whatever that threatens the norm. In this case, being homosexual is way outward and inevitably will result in the worst of all discrimination. The possibilities are endless, but it could be said that a gay genocide would be the end product of such acts.
Unfortunately, coming out of the safe closet apparently is a tough call. It is hard to change mindsets that have been implied for years and years till now. But, if we take a step back and look at the changes, we can see clearly that being gay or lesbian is not a threat. It helps to change the fixed mindset of many to adapt and most importantly to accept what is different. There are so many people out there whom are afraid of change. It is time for such people to come out of their closets and learn to accept and see what is hidden. Too long has homosexuality been oppressed and swept under the carpet. As we ponder upon these questions, we come to the realization that it is not homosexuality that should be hidden; it is actually the discrimination against it. Why be threatened by something different? Every human has emotions and feelings. Passion, love, anger, fear and lust they are all human feelings and emotions. So, what gives us the right to determine what is normal and what is not? Alexander the great was undeniably a gay. He had many court jesters and friends whom he shared explicit relations of sexual and lustful manner. However, this did not falter his supremacy in warfare and conquering. Indeed, he was amongst the many greater leaders of the world who recognized that change was hard to accept. The Hellenistic culture, a hybrid of Persian and Turkish cultures hard-boiled into one. Does this undermine a gay person’s character? Absolutely not, gay and homosexuality has been with us for generations.
There is a significant personal gain in coming out. One must understand that when one comes out of the closet one would have lifted a burden from oneself. In Villarosa and Villarosa (1991), Linda was quoted saying that she stopped being afraid of rejection. Her mother though dissapointed and angry never stopped loving her and this provided her the supported she needed in being her trueself. It is in their family and friends that homosexuals seek acceptance. The main reason people come out is because, they can’t stand hiding who they are any more. Once they’ve come out, most people acknowledge that it feels much better to be open and honest than to conceal such an essential part of themselves. Most of the emotional disturbance effecting homosexuals around their sexual identity is based on physiological causes but rather is due more to a sense of alienation in an unaccepting environment.
There are many societies, agencies that promotes and advocates for the rights of homosexual youths. Societies such as Parents, Families and Friends of Gays and Lesbians (PFLAG), national hotlines such as the Trevor Helpline, websites such as Advocate and HRC all provides sources for those who are homosexuals or those who are confused with themselves. Thses societies and helplines evidently show that there is support for homosexuals. It gives the impression that times have changed and so will the lives of many.instead of supressing what is real, they are given a chance to shine through endless encouragement and emotional support. They are now encourage to shout out rather than stay quite. Gay and straight alliances show that even the mindset of the youth are changing. It is not ones sexuality that’s important but ones heart.
How long can you keep a secret? A minute, a day, a week, a month? Come to think about it, how about a lifetime? Why is it that when we preach about honesty and truth, we contradict ourselves by blatantly refusing to listen to those who are crying out their heart’s desire. It is an honest expression, a vivid description of life in it simplest form. It is time for us to take a step backwards and to thoroughly examine the concepts and beliefs we hold dear. Are the years of oppression towards the minority really will affect us dramatically? People fear what they do not understand. So it is better to deeply scrutinize the flaws that our minds tend to imagine, but in the end turn out to be the truth and nothing but the truth.
Coming to your family and friends could be the hardest thing a person could ever do. The fear of rejection is always prominent in your thoughts. It would always be a risk to come out, as you can never know how anyone would react. But by being true to ourselves and towards others can we truly lead a healthy and productive life. If you were to hide yourself behind a shame of life it would only be meaningless. Statistics have shown that the more people who know somebody gay the more they are likely to be sympathetic towards them. This is because they are familiar with such people. It is almost the same as the stigma faced by those faced with AIDS. People did not understand its true nature so they did what they taught was right, which was to abhor them and keep an ultimate distance. It is a plea, a cry to the community to accept and move alongside gays and lesbians. Though different by nature, we are same by heart.
Friday, 27 June 2008
Spotlight by Jennifer Hudson
Are you a man who loves
And cherishes
And cares for me?
Is that you? Is that you?
Is that you? yeah...
Are you a guard in a prison
Maximum security?
Is that you? Is that you?
Is that you? yea eh...
Do we stay home all the time
Cuz you want me to yourself?
Is that you? Is that you?
Is that you? yeah...
Or am I locked away
Out of fear that i'd find
Someone else
Is that you? Is that you?
yea eh...
Well, I don't like
Living under your spotlight
Just because you think
I might find somebody worthy
Oh, I don't like
Living under your spotlight
Baby, if you treat me right
You won't have to worry
Is this a relationship
Fulfilling your needs
As well as mine
Is that you? Is that you?
Is that you? yeah...
Or Is this just my sentence
Am I doing time?
Is that you? Is that you?
Is that you? yeah...
If this is love
Real, real love
Then I'm staying no doubt
Is that you? Is that you?
Is that you? yeah...
But if I'm just a prisoner
Then I'm busting out
Is that you? Is that you?
Oh, you oughta be
Ashamed of yourself
What the hell
Do you think you're doing?
Loving me, loving me
So wrong
Baby, all I do is try
To show you
That you're my
One and only guy
No matter
Who may come along
Open your eyes
Cuz baby, I don't lie
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
Granc Gala Law Nite!!
So it was LaW NiTe!! Finally got myself ready with my date.. Dad was in malacca which was a shock.. But I did get a room wakakaka.. Evil me.. The prom was okay.. My friends all dolled up. Sayang thanks for coming though I know you were tired.. Had a blast.. mostly with u there!

I'm not that thin!! Its deceitful! :p


Crazy buggers!!

I'm not that thin!! Its deceitful! :p

Crazy buggers!!
Wednesday, 16 January 2008
So long and fare well!!
Many things have been going on this month. Chief among them is that one of my close friend is planning to leave to New Mexico. So, in conjunction of her leaving us here. Rema and I decided on an all out PARTY!! Not in the usual sense but more of a constant state of being idiotic. Did things we would never dream (or had the time) of doing. Going places that are borderline to illegal! It is a hard thing, to loose a friend. One that is cherished and thus couldn’t be simply let go. One must make the best of things. Taking risk for each other is called for. I hope she is happy where she is going. That her future shall be bright as ever, for she is one of the best souls that I’ve come across. To you Soni, May our friendship hold!
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