Monday, 22 October 2007


Going to a gaybar is kinda new to me.. So i decided to take up on my friends invitation to go to BlueBoy.. Okay, BlueBoy is most closely descibd as Malaysia's oldest gay discotheque.. Still the thought of me going in there was quite unnerving.. Man was I in for a suprise. thinking that it would be mostly filled with old guys.. hehe.. it was filled with a surprising mix of age groups.. My date who I happen to meet formally that night showed me around to a couple of guys that were regulars.. man were those boys cute.. well nothing really was outstanding but it had the feeling of being permanant.. like these boys will forever be here.. or that gays would still be coming here when I'm gone.. A nice thought to have a gay landmark?? Well the music was trans/disco which is not my usual thing being that i'm used to R&B.. But nevertheless it did not stop me from trying to dance. I must stress the trying as i was not even close to being a good dances in this arena.. Owh the boys dancing had my eyes glued (a private fantasy has been always to see cute boys dancing together, young love on the dance floor) funny how such a beautiful moment may last only a few minutes but the theme gets repeated all nite with different partners.. Overall it was a memorable event.. NITE!!

Friday, 19 October 2007

Preparing for todays Open House!! while getting a little buzzed..

okay.. i just got back like 6am this morning and i'm up by 8:30am to prepare the open house.. kinda a hectic day.. thankfully i have a friend in Absolut Peach Vodka.. mind u i'm not one to drink early in the morning..but the situation called for a mild dose of liquor.. A splash of that vodka.. fill it with ice and coverit with 7-up.. Now i'm pleasantly on a mild high.. nothing that'll make me drunk but enough to get me going..

Now my friends will ask me what the hell i'm doing getting a drink at my parents house.. I seriously dunno.. Will need to re-look at things.. Anyways, i might actually need to go for an AA meeting..

Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Final Night in HatYai..

Traditionally in my family Raya would go amiss without us stopping for a few nights in Hat Yai.. As we've been living there for a few years in my youth.. we would go back to kl from Bangkok driving down to Songklar.. stopping by HatYai and finally making our way back to kl.. Thus after we moved back to Malaysia we decided to go back to HatYai every year.. Firstly it was to renew our car tax as we braught back out thai plated car.. from there it just became tradition.. Having came here for the food.. HatYai has become a place to go if i ever need a short vacation.. Food, shopping and just relaxing at the hotel is a known comfort to me.. Something that has become dependable..

So as i write this down.. thanks to the free wi-fi provided by the Hotel.. I look into the past an though it may never seem much of a place to that where I've been.. It's still a place where i shall return to..

Monday, 15 October 2007

My one and only gurl!!

A shout-out to my gurl Ain wherever u are.. My dear, my heart misses u presence.. This line of passion that we secretly shared from the moment we meet could never be erased from any distance or that of any other boundaries.. u’ve seen me at my worst and I’ve seen urs.. this Raya I’m thankful of ur unfailing support.. a gurl like u comes only once in a lifetime..

Luv ya to peaces gUrL!!

Sunday, 14 October 2007

Favourite Raya message:-

Hari Raya untuk adik-adik bermaksud:
  1. Bersolat sunat raya
  2. Bermaaf-maafan
  3. Cover-cover depan parents
  4. Pakai baju melayu segala tapi tetap pakai lipgloss serta foundation
  5. Usha sepupu-pupu yang hensem, pastu bersalam lama-lama pulak
  6. Memakai keronsang yang over kat songkok
  7. Mengambil kuih dengan jari-jemari yang lentik
  8. Berjumpa dengan makcik-macik yang bermulut lahanat
  9. Yang penting ko tetap voque dan vass.. TAPI.. kalau ko jenis yang str8act tetap maintain giler-giler..

Saturday, 13 October 2007

Selamat Hari Raya!!

Bonne Aidilfitri!
A mes amir..
Pardonne-moi si j’ai fait puelque chose blessant..
“Désolé zahir et batin”


Monday, 8 October 2007

Is it Over?

Exams are finally over and the holiday depression starts!! I’m kidding but only by half!! I’ve made mistakes in my life but never one this BIG or this Stupid.. In one moment of weakness I’ve destroyed the one good thing I had going and also hurt a person in doing so.. How can one forgive oneself in such a festive moment..? U dread not hearing from that beloved thinking no matter what you say and do to redress that wrong U will never be forgiven.. U hang by a thread thinking all the possible scenarios.. Resort to reading a book only to find that of all lucks it represents your story albeit in a different venue and circumstances.. the sheer closeness of the issue grabs u.. I shall miss the companionship.. It is a lesson learned.. Hopefully this boi shall grow and not make this same mistake..

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Birthday Boi!!

Yup I’m finally 20.. A year more till I’m legally old enough register and go out clubbing.. Ah but who to vote for.. As of this moment none seem at all beneficial to my community or that of the people at large.. Well I would like to thank Rema for the wonderful Pizza we had and to Sonia for taking me out and spending the evening with me and sorry for going out in that ungodly hour..